Friday, December 3, 2010

Oracle - Understanding Row Identifiers (Rowid)

  1. Each row in an Oracle database has a unique row identifier, or rowid.
  2. A ROWID is an 18-digit number that is represented as a base-64 number.
  3. ROWID is used internally by the Oracle database to access the row.
  4. ROWID is only used internally by the database.
  5. ROWID is known as a pseudo column.
  6. A rowid contains the physical address of a row in an Oracle database.
  7. You can view the rowid value by specifying the ROWID column.
  8. When you describe a table using the DESCRIBE command, ROWID doesn't appear.

Example :

ROWID                                          ID NAME                    
------------------ ---------- -------------------------
AAHsRdABOAAAb0NAAA         41 Gaurang                 
AAHsRdABOAAAb0NAAB         42 Manoj                   
AAHsRdABOAAAb0NAAC         43 Manish Gupta            
AAHsRdABOAAAb0QAAA         29 Manish Sharma           
AAHsRdABOAAAb0UAAA         21 Bijoy                   
AAHsRdABOAAAb0UAAB         22 Raj                     
AAHsRdABOAAAb0UAAC         23 Meena                   
AAHsRdABOAAAb0UAAD         27 Ashish                  
AAHsRdABOAAAb0UAAF         26 Manish                  
AAHsRdABOAAAb0UAAG         28 Rahul                   

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